Annual Holiday Sharing Project
Check TYD's Facebook page for current photos and activities!
For the past 47` years, children residing in highly stressed and economically disadvantaged neighborhoods have been able to enjoy the real spirit of the Holiday season through the collaborative Holiday Sharing Project. What began as a community effort by the predominately Yaqui, Hispanic and Tohono O’odham residents of Barrio Libre in the City of South Tucson, this project was expanded nineteen years ago at the request of several local community and faith-based organizations to also serve additional needy and deserving children residing in nearby City of Tucson neighborhoods. With cooperation from local officials, children from the ages of six months to twelve years of age have been able to enjoy the true spirit of the Holidays by participating in the Holiday Sharing Project's Community Street Party. In many cases, this event is the only opportunity for some of these children to receive a gift during the Holiday season.
The number of gifts shared each year is based upon the aggregate amount of toys, new books of gifts that the collaboration organizers are able to squire for distribution during the Holiday season. Last year, this collaborative effort resulted in the sharing of more than 5,000 toys and new books with the 25 neighborhood, community and faith-based organizations that participated in this partnership.
For many years, Tucson Youth Development has served as the local, nonprofit community-based organization sponsor of this collaborative effort. TYD is the fiscal agent designated for the receipt and disbursement of financial resources that are raised within the community for this project.
In previous years this community and collaborative project has also been supported by various nonprofit groups including Hispanic Women’s Corporation, Higher Ground, Community Partnership of Southern Arizona (CPSA), Catholic Community Services-Pio Decimo Center, Casa Maria, COPE Community Services, Tucson Urban League, Tucson Indian Center, Pascua Yaqui Tribe, SER Jobs for Progress, and more.
The number of gifts shared each year is based upon the aggregate amount of toys, new books of gifts that the collaboration organizers are able to squire for distribution during the Holiday season. Last year, this collaborative effort resulted in the sharing of more than 5,000 toys and new books with the 25 neighborhood, community and faith-based organizations that participated in this partnership.
For many years, Tucson Youth Development has served as the local, nonprofit community-based organization sponsor of this collaborative effort. TYD is the fiscal agent designated for the receipt and disbursement of financial resources that are raised within the community for this project.
In previous years this community and collaborative project has also been supported by various nonprofit groups including Hispanic Women’s Corporation, Higher Ground, Community Partnership of Southern Arizona (CPSA), Catholic Community Services-Pio Decimo Center, Casa Maria, COPE Community Services, Tucson Urban League, Tucson Indian Center, Pascua Yaqui Tribe, SER Jobs for Progress, and more.
Project Information
During the holiday season several community events are hosted. On Saturday, December 15, 2018, a Children’s Street Party was held. As in past years, the City of South Tucson consented to block off South 11th avenue between West 38th Street and 39th Street to accommodate those who attended this party and to provide a safe location.. Santa arrived aboard a fire truck and handed out gifts for children. Each child between the ages of six months to twelve years was presented with a wrapped toy, along with a stocking of fruit, nuts and candy. Hot dogs, chips, cookies and drinks were also served. Representatives of public safety agencies were also present to offer positive interactive experiences with attendees, as well as provided materials that promote safer communities along with instructive messages on the dangers of drugs, violence and gangs.
On Thursday, December 13, 2018, community volunteers helped wrap the toys for the Children's Street Party at the Mulcahy YMCA at Kino Community Center. This event is referred to as the "Toy Wrapping Party". The event featured a silent auction, raffle, food and refreshments for volunteers. Throughout this week, toys were also distributed to the various participating community nonprofit and faith-based organizations that are required to submit an application for assistance prior to their sharing of these toys with the children that they serve. Project organizers continue to work closely with other collaborative nonprofit organizations including the Hispanic Women’s Corporation to promote reading skills and improved literacy by providing new books for children. Food boxes, food certificates and fresh fruit, as they become available are also shared with needy families in the community.
Funding & Contributions
Each year local businesses and individuals are requested to assist in the funding of all related expenses of the Holiday Sharing Project. Tucson Youth Development, Inc. (TYD), a local 501 (c)(3) nonprofit community organization (Federal Tax Identification Number 86-0199202) is the community sponsor/fiscal organization of this project, and TYD works closely with the collaborating community-based organizations, the faith community and other neighborhood groups annually. All financial contributions should be made payable to: Tucson Youth Development, Inc., and sent to: Attn: Holiday Sharing Project at the address listed below. As a nonprofit entity your contributions are tax deductible as charitable donations.
Tucson Youth Development, Inc.
Attn: Holiday Sharing Project 1901 North Stone Avenue Tucson, AZ 85705 |
Questions? Contact TYD's Marketing & Development Department at (520) 623-5843 or by emailing [email protected]
2018 Holiday Sharing Project
2017 "Toy Wrapping Party"
2016 "Toy Wrapping Party"
Toy Wrapping Party - December 15, 2016
2015 "Toy Wrapping Party"
Toy Wrapping Party - December, 2015