Mission: The Tucson Youth Development mission is to equip Pima County youth to gain employment, achieve self-sufficiency and reach career potential through education and training.
Since 1965 Tucson Youth Development, Inc. (TYD) has been serving Pima County's vulnerable youth and young adults, 14 - 24 years of age whether they are in-school or out-of-school. As a nonprofit organization, TYD needs the support of the greater Pima County community to achieve its important mission. Most TYD staff members are bilingual and work with each young person to develop an Individualized Career Plan. If a young person needs academic improvements, they might be enrolled in one of the charter high schools TYD operates – YouthWorks or the Accelerated Computer Education (ACE) High School. Each school offers a safe place where a student’s personal learning style is taken into consideration and faculty members provide special attention. If a young person is out-of-school and ready to start on a career path, but doesn’t know where to begin, TYD staff members may help them enroll in a certified, career-training program at Pima Community College or enter an adult GED program. With the support of partnering organizations, TYD helps young people address all their barriers to employment. Each young person has different gifts and benefits from encouragement and support to mature and reach their career goals. |